Status: Complete; 3.6 Release

Requirements originally developed under MassLNC. 

Equinox’s full specifications can be seen here:   The specs by Equinox Open Library Initiative are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0


This project allows staff to easily retrieve holds that no longer have eligible copies and perform actions on those holds so that they are no longer in a ‘hopeless’ state.

Definition: A hold becomes hopeless when it has no copies in the hold_copy_map. Once a copy for that hold is added to the hold_copy_map, it is no longer hopeless.

  1. The system should record a timestamp for when a hold becomes hopeless. If the hold eventually moves out of a hopeless state, this timestamp should be removed.
    1. This timestamp should also be available for reports that include holds data.
  2. A new Hopeless Holds Management interface should be available in the Local Administration section of the staff client where staff can easily retrieve holds that have reached a hopeless state:
  3. This interface should retrieve holds where the pickup location is the same as the workstation location.
  4. The following fields should be available for display in this interface. Default display fields are indicated with an asterisk(*).
    • Title*
    • Author
    • Hold id
    • Patron barcode*
    • Patron first name
    • Patron last name
    • Patron alias
    • Request date*
    • Hopeless date*
    • Pickup library*
    • Hold Type*
    • Holdable Part*
    • Holdable Formats*
    • Last Targeting Date/Time
    • Notification Phone Number
    • Notification SMS Number
    • Notify by Email?
  1. The holds should be sortable by Title, Patron barcode, Patron last name, and Hopeless date
  2. Staff should have the ability to filter holds that appear in this list by the date they became hopeless, allowing them to only manage holds that have been hopeless for a specific time period.
  3. Staff should have the ability to perform the following actions from the Manage Hopeless Holds interface:
    1. Find another target (to verify that no potential copies have been added since the last targeting attempt).
    2. Transfer Hold to Marked Title
    3. Place Order for selected bib record (this action should not be available for metarecord holds)
    4. Add Volumes to selected bib record (this action should not be available for metarecord holds)
    5. Cancel holds
    6. Retrieve patron
    7. Show selected records in catalog (this should be an action that can be applied to multiple titles at one time)


This is an optional addition to the hopeless holds interface. We would like to see suggested approaches for including some holds that are listed in the copy_hold_map in the Hopeless Holds interface. The use case is for Evergreen sites that make copy statuses, like Missing or Long Overdue, holdable, but still want to see those holds listed along with other Hopeless Holds when all eligible copies use that particular status. Along with the suggested approach, the developer should provide a separate quote for this additional development.